Single Day
Week (7 days)
Nail Trim
*Rate includes pellets, litter and unlimited hay.
**Fee based on single bunny or a bonded pair.
***Additional $2/day fee if the bunny is on any medication that needs administering.

Let's face it, planning a trip can be stressful enough, but add a furry bunny into the mix and it can feel impossible! Finding a reliable sitter who understands the unique needs of a bunny can be a real challenge. That's why, back in 2015, I decided to create a special place where bunny parents could relax and know their fur-babies were in the best possible care.
For six years, I dedicated myself to the Wisconsin House Rabbit Society, volunteering at their events and helping to foster and rehabilitate bunnies. It was incredibly rewarding to see these sweet animals find their loving forever homes.
Your bunny's comfort and safety are my top priorities. The "Inn" is a cozy, home-based haven in my finished basement, where each bunny enjoys a spacious 14 sq ft pen (approximately 4 feet by 3.5 feet) with a ceiling to prevent "Houdini enthusiasts". These pens provide ample room for hopping and exploring; residing in a stable, non-smoking, and temperature-controlled environment, ensuring a safe and relaxing stay.​
I provide high-quality Oxbow Adult Formula pellets and Oxbow Timothy hay during your bunny's stay. If your bunny enjoys a different brand of pellets, please bring enough for their visit. To guarantee their safety and well-being, bunnies are never housed or let out outside. I maintain a clean and healthy environment with regular pen cleaning, including changing litter boxes and picking up any messes. Fresh hay and water are checked and replenished at least twice a day, keeping your fur-baby happy and hydrated.
Please note that within my household, I do have a bunny and two dogs of my own. My dogs, Skye and Ashe, are on the first floor of the house and are never allowed in the basement, where the Inn in located.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Below you will find a contact form.
**All bunnies must be spayed/neutered and be up-to-date on their RHDv2 vaccinations**

Binky Bunny Inn - Overview

Size example for a single pen. Plenty of room for your bunny to roam and loaf!

A big thank you to Kit Kat and Cookie Dough for being wonderful models!~

Binky Bunny Inn - Overview
I highly recommend educating yourself on common contagious illnesses, with focus on:
E-Cuniculi (Encephalitozoon cuniculi), Walking Dandruff (Cheyletiella mites), and Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus (RHDv2).
I always thoroughly clean and sanitize the pens, litter boxes, and dishes between visits.
Every bunny is required to have seen a veterinarian within the last year.
This helps keep every bunny safe; preventing the spread of illness to other bunnies, including my own.
Let's work together to keep all our fur-babies happy and healthy!
**Note: I have not had any guests contract any of these illnesses while staying with me.**
906 Sky Ridge Drive
Madison, WI 53719
Ready to book?
Using the buttons below you can check my current availability for your reservation dates and submit a reservation request.
Once I receive your reservation form, I will reply as soon as I am able to!
Feel free to use the contact form below for any questions you might have. Have a wonderful day!