Providing Everything You Need

Bunnies have their own pen and will never have contact with any other bunny.
If there are multiple bunnies staying at the inn and it is noted that one is stressed due to seeing another bunny, a blanket is added to the outside of the pen to obstruct vision.
Your bunny's comfort and safety are my top priorities!

Oxbow Adult Formula Pellets
Oxbow Timothy Hay
Litter Box and Litter
(Wood Stove Pellets)​
Ceramic Food Bowl
Ceramic Water Crock
Cardboard Box (if available)
Not Provided
You are welcome and encouraged to bring toys, chews, hide-aways, or anything else that will help occupy your bunny during their stay!

Additional Info
I understand that some bunnies love to run, but unfortunately, I don't have the space for a dedicated 'run' area. However, your bunny will have plenty of room to zoom and binky in their generous 14 sq. ft. enclosure.
Bunnies usually adapt and settle into the new environment quickly! The majority feel right at home within the first hour, but for the rest, they are comfortable within 24 hours.