(Disclaimer: Please seek veterinary advice/care in an emergency! This is not a replacement, but a tool to assist in these cases.)
When an emergency arrives, how prepared are we to help our fur babies? Here is a list of what could be included in a bunny home emergency kit. Most of these items can be found at a Walgreen's or another drug store. If anyone has suggestions on making this list better/more complete, please comment below! I will be more than happy to answer any questions as well.
*Simethicone (Baby Gas Drops)
Used to relieve discomfort/pain of gas build-up. -- 1cc / hr for up to 3 hrs
*Oxbow Critical Care
Recovery food.
*Pedialyte - Unflavored
Restore electrolytes and hydrates.
*Plunger Syringes
Both small and large for medicine and/or Critical Care.
*Neosporin - Plain (No pain relief or antibiotic formula)
Prevents infection in minor cuts/scrapes/burns.
*Saline Wipes
Cleansing eye area as well as cuts/scrapes.
*Gauze Pads
*Cotton Swabs
*Styptic Powder
Stops minor bleeding after nail trimming.
*Scissors - Blunt Tipped
*Organic Veggie Baby Food (Additive Free, No Sugar, etc)
Alternative food option.
*Large Towel
For when bunny burritos are necessary.